Vacuum Cleaning | Too Much Or Too Little?

Vacuum Cleaning | Too Much Or Too Little?
Vacuum cleaning can be an annoying task. But is there such a thing as vacuuming too much? What about too little? Can I just not vacuum for 2 months and call it good??
Well, I’ve got the answers for you here today.

Can You Vacuum Too Little?

Very easily, you can vacuum too little. If you walk into a home with people who do not vacuum regularly, you can notice it has been neglected. Sometimes people do not like to vacuum and simply do not vacuum for months at a time. This is not good for your carpet and can be detrimental to it. You may be wondering how it can be a problem for your carpet. Well, your carpet collects soil. This soil falls under two different categories. The oily soil and the not so oily soil. Soil that is not oily will be things like dirt, dust, and sand. It is mainly the things that are coming from outdoors. The oily soil is oil from your body, grease, tar, and food.
If you are a person who does not vacuum regularly, the soil will add up inside your carpet. The oily soil will hold the not so oily soil near the top of the carpeting. Keep in mind this is where you are going to notice wear. Normal use of your carpet becomes hard to use. You will then notice wear patterns. These patterns are not able to be removed with any type of cleaning. However, if you vacuum, you can reduce the effects by removing the soil that is in your carpet. Keep in mind that sweeping carpets is not a good alternative. It should not be considered an alternative at all. Plus, sweeping can cause premature wear and cause it to accelerate.

Can You Vacuum Too Much?

Sorry to break it to you but, no…
You are not able to vacuum too much. You can vacuum daily or even a few times a day without any problems. However, if you are questioning if the vacuum can cause damage to your carpet with the brushes, you would be right. However, this is basic wear and tear. It is a very small amount of damage that is occurring. The benefits greatly outweigh the negatives. When you are vacuuming you can remove both oily and not oily soil.

How Often Should You Vacuum?

This is a tough question to answer because every household is different. Some people have pets, some have children, and some have both or even none. Plus, each room has a different amount of traffic every day. With all that being said, you should make sure to vacuum at least once a week. If you vacuum more you are okay but you should not vacuum less than once a week. If you have certain areas that are highly trafficked, you should try to vacuum these areas once a day or every other day.
If you have pets you should try to get a routine going and make sure that your animal is not leaving you presents as this can cause further damage to your carpet. Vacuuming daily when you have a pet is strongly recommended.
And we all know pets bring a truckload of disgusting odors into your home. Litterboxes and wet dogs can turn your nice and calm home into a battlefield of smelly scents.
But to win that battle, just set down our Clear Air Purifier and let it do all the hard work for you. It instantly goes to work pulling in nasty odors and eliminating them so you no longer get a whiff of those nasty odors that make you want to throw up.
It may seem like a lot of work. However replacing your carpets is a lot more work and a lot more money.
You are now ready to keep your home clean and the air fresh. No more questions and no more excuses.
What are You Waiting For?


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